When you assume... Lineage Societies
I have completed many lineage society applications.  National Huguenot Society and Huguenot Society of America, Jamestowne Society...

This is what happens when you are color mapping numerous online theories about 17th and 18th century ancestors and your son stops by to...

The AAD (Access to Archival Databases) is an online searchable database tool presented by NARA (National Archives.) At this time, it is...

Brick Wall? It is okay...
Sometimes brick walls become fruitless efforts. It is okay. As genealogists, we are trained to investigate the records, research the...

3 Questions About Genealogy and Telling Time Without Math
Recently, I was interviewed by Family History Research students and asked 3 specific questions. What do I like about Digital Archives? ...

Starting a New Genealogical Year
Juxtaposition The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. That is the nature of life, the nature...

Enthusiasm for Cemeteries
I don't think I have kept it a secret that one of my passions (strange or not) is pioneer cemeteries. It seems to be evident from...

This is Genealogy
On Friday I had a patron come to visit me at the library. I have been helping Pat with a "brick wall" she had been trying to break down....

The Japanese word for "books you buy but don't read." I read this somewhere on another site. I am admittedly a book collector. It is a...

More stuff I need.
This past summer my husband and I attended the ADVANCED Pioneer Cemetery Restoration workshop. It was a day long experience in repair,...